Pages to follow

A list of technical blogs and pages I follow, that may be worth a read:

RIPPLES IN THE ETHER Emanations from Amateur Radio Station NT7S

Wes Hayward W7ZOI (lots of great info here!)

Harrys homebrew homepages

ETSI amateur radio page (European Telecom standards for amateur radio)

DF9IC (VHF and up, check out his paper section!)

KE5FX (GPIB toolkit and lots of info)

QRP HomeBuilder

Kenneth Kuhn (Lots of things on basic analog design)


AB4UG Radioblog



Anton’s Funkperlen (german)


In addition, most of the manufacturers of RF test equipment has blogs that may be worth to follow.


MrCircuitMatt (Matt is a decent guy, we do talk a bit on IRC)

ThisOldTony (machining)

David Richards (machining in a 1925 shop)

CuriousMarc (Retrocomputing)

Computerpile (computer science)

Most of the vloggers yap way to much for me to pay attention, in such regards the videos from MyfordBoy on machining is a nice alternative.